Tahun 2008 sebentar lagi akan berakhir, dan tahun 2009 pun segera menyambut kita dengan berbagai kejutan. Jakarta Street Lowrider mengucapkan selamat tahun baru 2009, semoga JSL menjadi lebih solid dan maju, dan semoga kalian semua para pecinta sepeda lowrider yang tersebar di nusantara menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya...
Happy New Year 2009, wish you all the luck in life..
Best Regards,
Jakarta Street Lowrider
Minggu, 28 Desember 2008
Senin, 25 Agustus 2008
terima kasih
BikeVaganza Lowrider Contest yang diselenggarakan oleh Jakarta Street Lowrider tanggal 24 Agustus 2008, telah berlangsung dengan baik. Walaupun masih banyak kesalahan kecil disana dan disini, para panitia telah mengerahkan seluruh waktu dan tenaganya untuk terselenggaranya acara tersebut. Apresiasi tertinggi pun tak lupa saya hantarkan sebagai perwakilan Jakarta Street Lowrider, kepada seluruh peserta dan para "ridaz" yang sudah datang.. Terima Kasih..
Maaf bila ada kesalahan, biarkan kami mengetahui kesalahan tersebut agar kami bisa memperbaikinya dikemudian hari...Terima Kasih
JSL Media Cordinator
Maaf bila ada kesalahan, biarkan kami mengetahui kesalahan tersebut agar kami bisa memperbaikinya dikemudian hari...Terima Kasih
JSL Media Cordinator
Senin, 30 Juni 2008
insanity in urbanfest 2008
urban fest 08 yang diadakan di pantai carnaval, ancol.. gokil, sepeda2 lorinya makin tidak terkendali.. hebat bwt anak lori seluruh indonesia... tp ada satu yg masih bwt gw kurang apreciate, kenapa juri2 itu masih"sedikit hambar" dalam memberi nilai, menurut gw masih banyak kontestan yang sepeda lorinya layak untuk menang, tp mereka ga menang... sebaiknya kita punya standar nasional penjurian.. dan dalam menyusun draft tersebut harus mengikutsertakan perwakilan dari setiap komunitas lori yang ada di bumi pertiwi ini..
masih banyak yang harus kita pebaiki dikemudian hari supaya akan makin baik di event selanjutnya...
salut buat sunset riders cikini yang telah membuat acara sebaik itu. hebatlah
-keep rollin' low-
JSL Media Cord.
masih banyak yang harus kita pebaiki dikemudian hari supaya akan makin baik di event selanjutnya...
salut buat sunset riders cikini yang telah membuat acara sebaik itu. hebatlah
-keep rollin' low-
JSL Media Cord.
Selasa, 27 Mei 2008
they tried to spread LIES
according to "HARIAN KOMPAS" we are the first, and yes we are the first community specialized on Lowrider bicycle in Jakarta..
There are lot of such community after the "wake" of JakartaStreetLowrider, and they tried to spread the "lies" that they are "the first." Basically we have no problemo with that, but we want to "straight up" the info..
We are only a Community and there are no selling activity by the name of JakartStreetLowrider, but some of our member did opened a lowrider workshop after they joined.
There are lot of such community after the "wake" of JakartaStreetLowrider, and they tried to spread the "lies" that they are "the first." Basically we have no problemo with that, but we want to "straight up" the info..
We are only a Community and there are no selling activity by the name of JakartStreetLowrider, but some of our member did opened a lowrider workshop after they joined.
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008
JakartaStreetLowrider is a lowrider bicycle community based around Jakarta, it was established in June 6th 2006.
Started by few guys that was so crazy in love with classic bicycle, specially lowrider style.. it was around March 2006 that they "debut" on the streets so others can see their crazyness for lowrider, and as the member increases, they decided to give name.. and then JakartaStreetLowrider was chosen by half the quota.
We are nonprovit community and we don't sell lowrider parts..
Enjoy our Blogsite....
Keep Low
Started by few guys that was so crazy in love with classic bicycle, specially lowrider style.. it was around March 2006 that they "debut" on the streets so others can see their crazyness for lowrider, and as the member increases, they decided to give name.. and then JakartaStreetLowrider was chosen by half the quota.
We are nonprovit community and we don't sell lowrider parts..
Enjoy our Blogsite....
Keep Low
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